
Showing posts from December, 2020

Skiing with the Erasmus

  It was on march 2017, the end of the winter season, when I decided to try skiing for the first time. I had no friends available to go with; nevertheless, I was such convinced to go skiing that leads me to do a small research on the Internet. Then, I found this small group that used to organize events just like the one I was interested in. I texted them and got a positive reply with a place and a date. During the bus trip we expected favorable conditions in the ski slope that while we arrived we confirmed it was perfect. The day wasn’t neither sunny nor cold. The ski skates felt tight and the slope waited for us to be ride. It was precious how the sun started to show itself over our heads. At the same time the reflective sunrays started to burn our skins. My improvised clothing wasn’t the most suitable for this. However, I felt alive one more time. Even every time I drastically fell on the snow I had this feeling of doing it again and again. Tons of fun and a bunch of new friend

The furthest place I've ever visited

My first impression when I arrived to Moscow was totally different from that of any other place I’ve visited in my whole life. A feeling compared to a fictional time-travelling adventure trembled inside my lungs. Even though I knew I was carrying my passport in order I felt I was entering to a forbidden place. From the airport to the hostel there wasn’t known voice sounds. Taking the metro was something that took me to a past epoch. So old but at the same time so functional and well preserved that I just couldn’t believe I was there. Imagining passersby wearing suits and skirts just like in the past. No Russian talked to me in English nor Spanish. Communication was ineffective; nevertheless, my body language took a main role such that it made me feel understood. It was until a friend of mine arrived to the hostel that I started feeling comfortable. She set me free and by that moment I was able to walk on the streets without hesitation. Visiting the most precious spots of the city w